Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pupusa Party

I love the combo of Saturday nights and Salvadoran food so tonight Francis and I went to Platano on University Ave to enjoy some good eats. We started of our meal with ordering a few pupusas, which are one of my favorite foods. Pupusas are a traditional Salvadoran dish consisting of thick hand-made corn tortillas stuffed with various fillings and served with curtido (pickled cabbage slaw with red chiles and vinegar) and watery tomata salsa . I ordered the Queso y Loroco (Salvadoran vegetable) and Queso y Vegetales (zucchini, tomato, onion, bell pepper) pupusas while Francis opted to try the Chicharron (ground pork) pupusa.

Pupusas covered with curtido and salsa

Curtido and Salsa

For our main course we decided to share the Pescado Frito because the dish is so large. The dish consisted of a whole fried Tilapia served with salad and rice.

Pescado Frito

We have ordered this dish a few times before and every time eating it is never pretty. However, I do get to channel my inner Flintstone as I try to clean this fish down to the bone.
Our fish at the end of the meal

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