Friday, August 19, 2011

Let’s Get to Feastin'

Tonight we celebrated my dad’s birthday. Now if you know my dad you know that he is a hard-core OG foodie. He basically taught Michelle and I all we know. He always knows where the good spots are to eat so when it come down to his choice of restaurant for the night there was know surprise that his choice was delicious. Tonight my dad decided on The Dead Fish . The reason why he choose The Dead Fish is because he wanted to try the Crab Feast, which fead 4-5 people. So if you keep up with our blog you know that when it comes to crab our family can throw down . Our family has visited this restaurant years before but we have never had anything like this.

Here are some pics of the night:


* time for gifts *

“Hey Dad, what do you think of your gift?"

Looks like we did good picking out a gift.

Candids around the table


Fried Calamari

Crab Chowder

Fresh Bread & Butter


The whole Family rocking the signature crab bibs.

Action Shots

Finally after the hour long feast only me and Dad had room for dessert but the others agreed to also take a few bites her and there. We decided on the Torta della Nonna with Meyer lemon zabaglione sauce, which was very tasty. At the end of the night everyone left full and satisfied. What a way to end a birthday :-)

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