Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Buttery Goodness

On a recent trip to Trader Joe's I picked up a pack of Butternut Squash Triangoli. My friend recommended the item to me and I figured I'd give them a try. Now since I'm not a fan of creamy white pasta sauce and usually cook with tomato based pasta sauce, I was unsure how to eat these due to the squash's sweet taste. My friend suggested keeping it simple and tossing the triangoli in olive oil and adding a little cracked black pepper. However, I remember eating a similar dish long ago at Pasta Pomodoro that used brown butter sauce. I decided to try my hand at recreating that dish and turns out its quite simple. Once my pasta was done cooking (only took 4min) , I added some freshly chopped sage to 8 tbsp of butter and sautéed them together in a sauce pan. Once the butter turned brown I removed the pan from the heat and spooned a desired amount on my pasta. I then topped the dish with a little cracked pepper and Parmesan & Romano cheese. 

The result was delicious. It was quite rich so I only ate about 5 or so triangoli but it made for 2 servings of leftovers. I actually used Earth Balance (which is vegan butter made of natural oils) in this dish so technically it wasn't "butter" but I still really enjoyed it and it literally took about 6-7 minutes to make. If you are looking for a quick mid week meal I would highly recommend trying this or any of the other pre made ravioli at Trader Joe's. 

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