Monday, July 19, 2010

not your average Monday meal

Today our uncle decided to visit and treat us to dinner. We have not seen him in awhile so this meal gave us sometime to catch up. But first things first-- Where to eat? Our uncle said he wanted to try something "different". So the places that popped into our heads were either this Salvadoran place I like to go to or an Ethiopian place Michelle suggested. But we quickly remembered that most places in Berkeley are closed on Mondays, so that eliminated both of our choices. We ended up deciding on Joshu-Ya Sushi Boat because it's close-by and it typically doesn't disappoint.
Michelle in front of Joshu-Ya Sushi Boat

My uncle was still feeling adventurous so he suggested that we try something "new" at the restaurant. Typically Michelle and I order sushi here but we decided to change things up and order one of their recommended appetizers, the Salmon Skin Salad.

Salmon Skin Salad

The salad was absolutely delicious! Not only did it feature raw and cooked salmon along with salmon skin but it also had tons of crab meat mixed in with the lettuce and onions. Oh, and I can't forget to mention that the dressing was also very tasty.

Fresh Mango Juice
My uncle said it was pretty tasty

Being at a sushi house, it is impossible not to order some sushi. So in addition to the salad we also ordered a couple of rolls.

Our rolls
Lucky Danny, Rainbow, California

Close-up of the Rainbow roll

Close-up of the Lucky Danny roll

Michelle showing off her multitasking skills-- hydrating while chopsticking

Action Shot
Hey,what can I say? Finishing the end of a roll is never pretty

Since the salad and sushi had started to filled us up, we opted to all share an entree. So we decided to order the Salmon Teriyaki.

Salmon Teriyaki

Finally, no meal is truly complete without a little dessert so we ordered the tempura fried ice cream and vanilla mochi to share.

Tempura fried Green Tea ice cream
I'm going to be honest, at first I didn't like it but after a few bites the taste began to grow on you.

Vanilla Mochi
This was first time trying mochi and I enjoyed it :)

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