Sunday, July 25, 2010

Three of a kind

Here's the story:
So yesterday my mom decides to take me with her to work out in the morning. At first I was a little hesitant with fear of sweating out my hair, but I ended up going and getting a solid hour+some change work out.

But let's not forget, this is a food blog not an exercise blog.
So why am I blogging about working out? Because after we went to a bomb, delicious, impressively good/simple Vietnamese restaurant.
My parents like to eat there after workouts because it is tasty yet healthy with fresh ingredients (plus it doesn't make you feel like what you are eating completely defeated the purpose of that hour-long sweat you just had).

I, being the Vietnamese-food newbie that I am, left the ordering up to my dad who ordered:

"THREE number tens,
THREE spring rolls,
and THREE waters."

A very simple order for the waiter, if I do say so myself. Yet simple is not necessarily a bad thing. Our order was simple, the dish was simple, and overall the food was simply good.

Our verrrrrry hot spring rolls.

One of our three #10's
I don't know much about Vietnamese food, but this was some kind type of bĂșn
All I know was that it was rice vermicelli with grilled pork

Oh and side note: These pictures are from my mom's new iPhone 4

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