Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday Date Night!

After a failed attempt to try Berkeley's Kirala, a Japanese restaurant near my house that's been around for decades and always seems to be packed with at least a 40 minute wait :( , my boyfriend and I decided to pay a visit to Nanayiro. Nanayiro is a sushi bar in Downtown Berkeley around the corner from where he used to live so needless to say he was quite familiar with the menu... however we did try something new: the lobster roll, a new addition to their menu. And of course we got some of our favorites too.

Well actually this was his... Sapporo, "Japan's oldest beer."

But the rest was ours. And yes, we were pigs and got 4 rolls... but as hard working college students we're allowed to indulge from time to time, especially with fish as fresh as Nanayiro's.
Oh, and forgive me for only remembering the name and not everything that was inside.

Baked Salmon Roll (always a classic)
Lobster Roll (delicious!!)
Berkeley Roll (it's huge!)
Volcano Roll (spicy!)


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