Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cheese Please!

Today I worked an early shift, which meant Michelle and I could go out to eat for an early dinner/late lunch. We decided to check out Home Room in Oakland because I had heard good things from my coworkers. Homeroom is a restaurant that specializes in one of America’s favorite comfort food... MACARONI & CHEESE!
The theme of the restaurant is a classroom/school yard setting. There is sidewalk chalk to draw on the pavement and old library cards and paper planes providing some of the decor.
Sidewalk Art
Michelle and I wearing our “school shoes”
inside restaurant decor
Homeroom has about 10 different types of macaroni and cheese, ranging from options that include flavorful cheeses, meat, eggs, and even a vegan option. I decided to go with the Spicy Mac, which included spicy Jack and Serrano peppers. Michelle opted for the Gilroy Mac, which included creamy gouda, sharp pecorino, and roasted garlic. We both decided to top of dishes with baked breadcrumbs.
Our waiter felt bad that our dishes took awhile to come out so he gave us a complementary side of broccoli. The veggies were very tasty and it eased our consciousness to be able to have some veggies with our meal. Plus nothing goes better with broccoli than cheese.
I love Mac N’ Cheese and I thought that Home Room was great. All of the ingredients were so fresh and the dishes were incredibly creamy. We both agreed that we would definitely come back as to try more macaroni dishes but also the tasty dessert menu. I will leave you with this picture that sums up our experience.

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