Sunday, March 18, 2012

Seafood Sunday

Sunday night in the Little home traditionally includes a sit down, home cooked meal. I happened to be home this weekend so I was able to join my parents for this week's Sunday dinner. My mom is currently on an Easter fast so our options as far as dinner meats were concerned were limited, but luckily chicken and seafood are still on her list of things she can eat (for this week at least). Our original game plan was to have my mom's roasted garlic chicken with this Yukon potato side dish I make at my apartment on Sundays. But plans and expectations often change, look no further than the current March Madness for examples of that, and my parents came back from grocery shopping with lobster... which was a nice change of pace since I don't make/have no clue how to make lobster at my apartment. Our dinner ended up being a nice team effort since we divvied up the responsibilities for meal.

My mom made the tossed spring mix salad with candied walnuts, avocado, cranberries, radishes, carrots, and tomatoes featuring her homemade thousand island dressing.

My dad was responsible for the lobsters.

And finally, I made my slightly famous spiced potatoes.

Our end result.

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