Monday, July 9, 2012

Too much of a good thing?

I dedicate this blog post to my bacon-loving mother

During my lunch breaks at work my favorite past-time is to peruse TIME Magazine's website. Ask my mom, sister, or boyfriend and they can all attest I'm always spouting off, "So I was reading TIME..." before I proceed to share a random fact or story. Today on TIME I happened to stumble upon a gem of an article about a foodie first: the first bacon burger.

A southern California restaurant called Slater's 50/50, named for its burger patties that are 50% ground beef and 50% ground bacon, has done what was never done before. Its latest creation aptly named "The 'Merica Burger" (let us all picture George Bush saying 'Merica one last time) consists of,

a patty made of 100% ground bacon topped with a slice of thick cut bacon, a sunny side up egg, a slab of bacon cheddar cheese, and, of course, “bacon island” dressing .

Oh, ‘Merica.


Oh 'Merica indeed. I love bacon and even I am apprehensive about consuming that much bacon at once, plus an egg. No need to ask for a side of cholesterol with this meal.

Find the article here:

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