Friday, July 27, 2012

Flashback Friday: Park Day

Reaching back in our gallery of photos, I found a few snap shots of our sisters day in the park. Last month, Monique and I took advantage of beautiful blue skies, sizzling summer weather, and (most importantly) Monique's Saturday free of work and ventured out to San Francisco's Dolores Park. Located in the Mission District, Dolores Park is notorious for its large grassy fields filled to the brim with families, friends, and dogs on warm days. 

Before the crowds

Throughout the day we snacked on oranges, seaweed sheets, and Monique even found a vendor selling fresh vegan & gluten-free popsicles.  She enjoyed a kiwi, ginger, and lime popsicle (left) and I loved my strawberry lemonade (with giant strawberry chunks, may I add) on the right.

After a good soaking of vitamin D (read: severe shoulder sunburn), we ate at Elmwood's Troy. This was Monique's first time at the Greek spot and she was excited since I raved about its affordable wraps after lunch date with Josh months ago. We started off with calamari for an appetizer which, maybe it was it the sun-fatigue or the ravishing hunger talking, we found absolutely delicious.  

Good spicing, nice crisp, and a flavorful Marinara sauce make all the difference.

We both got souvlakis. I ordered the chicken while Monique opted for falafel (pictured below).

And last but not least were Greek fries (sprinkled with parmesan, garlic, and parsley).

What a great way to spend a Saturday off :)

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