Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My 1st Home-cooked Meal

Well y'all, the time has come. Unfortunately, Mom and Monique left this morning so I am now completely on my own in my Pennsylvania home. With my family gone and my nights of eating out over, my "honeymoon"is over and it's time to put my recently bought groceries to use. I chose to keep it simple and make a meal to test out the kitchen (the temperature of the oven, the pots and pans, the spices, etc.). I lined a 8" cooking pan with aluminum foil, threw down a layer of diced onion, seasoned a few chicken thighs, and then wrapped them in the foil to cook in the oven. To round out the meal I went with rice and broccoli in cheese sauce. It's a classic quick meal for me but it was tasty nonetheless... plus I got to see that me and the kitchen (pots, pans, equipment, spices and all) will be just fine :)

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