Sunday, May 30, 2010

UCLA JazzReggae Festival

On Memorial Day weekend, I attended the UCLA JazzReggae Festival. I was a little unfamiliar with what this festival had to offer but I had heard from a few people that it is two days of good food and good music. Boy! Were they right! Each day I got a Shrimp and Catfish platter from Shabazz Fish. It was a little pricey ($13) but it was definitely worth it. They weren't stingy and gave me a hefty amount of shrimp and fish (considering I shared with my boyfriend). We could not finish it all in one sitting and ended up eating it throughout the rest of the day. In addition to a good portion size, the taste was outstanding! They seasoned it perfectly, you could taste the spices in every bite. Needless to say, I will definitely be attending to festival next summer for more good eats :)

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