Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Fairfield, CA is your typical suburb except for one thing: it is the home of the Jelly Belly Factory. For Fairfield natives, it is nothing new nor is there anything impressive about it... because we have seen it/eaten it over and over and over again. But when someone not from the area hears that your hometown is where the world-famous candies are made, now that is some exciting news (to them at least). So I decided to take an LA native on the classic Jelly Belly tour... basically a Fairfield right of passage.

First things first: the hat. Yes it may look stupid but everyone
on the tour must wear one. Not kidding. So we donned the hats.

I tried to wear mine with pride.

His curls proved to be an obstacle to the factory hat
so kippah-style (the Jewish hat) worked best for him.


And our official J.B. photo....

After waiting in what I considered to be a surprisingly long line,
we were off on our tour. However cameras were not allowed
(plus we wouldn't want to give away any Jelly Belly
secrets) so we could not take any cool pics.

But I did manage to snap a few of the Jelly Belly art
pieces (made out of thousands of jelly beans
and take at least six months to complete).

Mr. Jelly Belly

Most people don't realize that Jelly Belly makes more that just jelly beans.
Besides just being the originators of the gourmet jelly bean they are also
the home of the original candy corn (go figure). The factories store had tons
of flavors of jelly beans as well as non-jelly bean candies like gummy worms,
hard candies, and a fully stocked old-style chocolate shoppe.
My stomach/taste buds got the best of me so instead of taking
pictures of all the treats I was just sampling ;)

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