Saturday, September 18, 2010


Earlier this week Francis invited Michelle and I to the Giants/Brewers game in San Francisco. Michelle and I have been trying to see a baseball game all summer so we were very excited to accept the offer. Michelle and I are more contact-sports fans (e.g. football, soccer, basketball) but baseball games have the best food hands-down of any sporting event. So today Francis, Michelle, and I hopped on BART and traveled to AT&T Park to watch the Giants play. At AT&T Park they were also celebrating Hispanic Heritage month in an event called "Fiesta de Gigantes", complete with special espaƱol jerseys, mexican food, and latin music.

Michelle stranded at the stoplight while walking to AT&T Park

A view of the Bay Bridge as we walked to the Park.

AT&T Park !

Willie Mays statue

Our seats were in the left field bleacher area, which is a little far but pretty good seats and full of fun fans. A definite perk to our seats was that we were close to the good food court. Before the game started we decided to hit up the food court and get some good eats.

our food places of choice

I opted to get the Crazy Crabz Sandwich, which was a pricey $15 but it was soooooooo GOOD!!!!

REAL crab meat with tomato and garlic olive oil on grilled sourdough

Fran taking a bite of my sandwich. He actually ended up buying fish n’ chips but ate it so fast that I did not get a chance to photograph it.

Michelle went next door to the Chowder House vender and ordered a bread bowl full of chowder, which was also very tasty.

Michelle and her bowl of chowder

After our meal, we walked around a little bit and took some pics before finding our seats.

posin’ on the SF trolley

Carlos Santana was even at the game to show his support for Hispanic Heritage Month!

Finally, we sat down and enjoyed the game :)

But after a few innings, Michelle and I went on a trek to find the Strawberry Shortcake vendor that they had been advertising on the jumbo-tron. Unfortunately, we walked the whole stadium and were unable to find such a vendor :( However, Michelle and Fran were able to find some frozen lemonade to satisfy their sweet tooth.

Michelle and her frozen lemonade

Los Gigantes ( The Giants) ended up losing the game to Los Cerveceros (The Brewers) 2-1 but the day was not a loss. We ended up having a great time at the game and most importantly our stomachs were full with lots of good eats :)

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