Friday, September 24, 2010

Fiesta Friday

After a long week, a hearty home-cooked meal was in order. On tonight's menu was Michelle's Muy Delicioso Taco Casserole (as it is known in our cook book) with a fiesta salad as the side.

These were the fixings...

Fresh diced tomatoes
The diced onions responsible
for Michelle's many tears
and smeared make up
Crunched corn tortilla chips
And some black beans

Add these with spicy ground beef and cheese for...

For this tasty FINAL PRODUCT...

Taco Casserole hot out of the oven
-eventually topped with sour cream, salsa verde, and ketchup when served

Fiesta Salad
Ground beef, cheese, and a roasted garlic salsa
recommended by a lady at the grocery
store to make a good salad
One of our plates
Salad on the left, casserole on the right

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