Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mom, Me, and Mac N' Cheese

This weekend our mom had a class in San Francisco and instead of doing the early morning commute she opted to spend the night at our apartment. For dinner we decided to make a much overdue visit to Homeroom for some macaroni and cheese. My dad doesn't get why someone would go out of their way just for some mac n cheese so this trip made for the perfect girls night especially since Mom and Dani have not been here before. Well enough talking, here are the food pics..

Chalk board art

Michelle’s Choice
“The Classy Trailer Mac”
Vermont white cheddar, Niman Ranch hotdogs, topped off with classic potato chips
My Choice
“The Exchange Student: Macximus”

Feta cheese, shallots, artichoke hearts, topped with breadcrumbs
Dani’s Choice
“Mexican Mac”

Niman Ranch chorizo, chipotle peppers, jack cheese, cilantro and a lime wedge, topped with breadcrumbs
Mom’s Choice
“Gilroy Mac”

Creamy Gouda, sharp pecorino, roasted garlic, bacon topped with breadcrumbs
Eat your veggies !!!
Roasted Brusssels sprouts topped with bacon and apple cider vinegar
Homemade Oreo topped with sea salt
Chocolate Carmel Brownie
Creamy peanut butter pie with graham cracker crust

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